All Your Prompts

Everything You Need For Prompting

  • Creating prompts
    • Store and run all your prompts
    • Suggests prompt engineering techniques to improve your prompt
    • Track changes to your prompt, revert if needed
  • Testing
    • Test prompt with multiple test cases, run in parallel
    • Automatically detects variables wrapped in square brackets
    • Automated feedback on prompt results (Coming Soon)
    • Let clients test prompts, live! (Coming Soon)
  • Sharing
    • Share prompts with everyone in your organization
    • Export prompts and test cases to share with clients
    • Solutions for businesses, freelancers, and individuals


"The test case and suggestion features are great, as they help me see how helpful different prompt versions can be when handling various prompts and their potential outcomes."

- Pooja. S., Marketing Communications Coordinator

Questions or need Enterprise support?

We're just getting started. Reach out and we'll deliver what you need.

Automated parallel testing of your prompt

Automatically detects variables wrapped in square brackets
  • Write a tweet about [subject] in [style] with...
  • Compose a cold sales email about [product] for [role]...
  • Outline a blog post on [subject] for target audience [audience]. Propose [paragraphs] paragraphs with 3 sub-points each.
Each test case has different values

Prompt: Write a tweet about [subject] in [style] with...
  1. [subject] = "iPhone", [style] = "funny"
  2. [subject] = "San Diego beaches", [style] = "excited"
  3. [subject] = "Halloween", [style] = "spooky"